
Fall, Autumn, pumpkins, gourds and colorful mums (Photo: iStock - SheilaYarger)

Mums the word for fall décor

Man refreshing himself with water. (Photo: iStock - KovacsAlex)
Salad plantation in a square garden at springtime, and some tomato plantation and flowers. (Photo: iStock - NCAImages)

Companion planting: Positive partnerships that produce more

Young potatoes roots in vegetables garden harvesting top view (Photo: iStock - Olha_Afanasieva)

Time to plant potatoes in Kansas

Rain Barrels (Photo courtesy of Unsplash)
Woman feeling relaxed gardening in her garden (Photo: iStock │ #1445716627 - Dejan_Dundjerski)

Gardening has wellness benefits for all ages

  • By Maddy Rohr │ Kansas State University Research and Extension
Fall garden
Woman and child growing plants in farm garden (Photo: iStock - nd3000)

Gardening helps promote good nutrition and a healthy relationship with food