Ada livestock auction report

The Southern Oklahoma Livestock Auction, Ada, Oklahoma, reported receipts of 3,036 selling on Jan. 31, compared to 2,467 head a week ago and 1,641 head last year, according to the USDA-Oklahoma Department of Agriculture Market News Service, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Compared to a week ago, steers over 500 pounds were selling $5 to $9 higher, under 500 pounds were selling $6 to $8 lower. Heifers under 500 pounds were selling $3 to $5 higher. Heifers over 500 pounds were selling $4 to $7 lower. Demand was good. Quality was very attractive, few plain. Heifers made up 46% and cattle over 600 pounds were 39% of the total receipts.

Feeder steers: Medium and large frame 1, 9 head, 240 to 245 lbs., 212.50 to 222.50 (221.37); 13 head, 255 to 295 lbs., 220.00 to 230.00 (225.08); 300 to 345 lbs., 211.00 to 220.00 (217.68); 350 to 388 lbs., 215.00 to 225.00 (221.07); 400 to 431 lbs., 200.00 to 210.00 (202.91); 450 to 495 lbs., 185.00 to 195.00 (190.51); 512 to 546 lbs., 181.00 to 191.00 (184.55); 552 to 598 lbs., 168.00 to 179.00 (174.09); 600 to 637 lbs., 159.00 to 169.00 (165.07); 653 to 698 lbs., 144.00 to 155.00 (150.70); 700 to 749 lbs., 140.00 to 150.50 (143.28); 750 to 791 lbs., 129.50 to 139.50 (137.83); 804 to 841 lbs., 132.00 to 142.00 (138.06); 850 to 885 lbs., 122.00 to 131.00 (129.40). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 16 head, 305 to 345 lbs., 200.00 to 210.00 (203.92); 350 to 399 lbs., 202.00 to 213.00 (207.44); 400 to 441 lbs., 189.00 to 199.00 (192.93); 450 to 489 lbs., 174.00 to 184.00 (179.30); 500 to 545 lbs., 168.00 to 179.00 (174.57); 550 to 599 lbs., 153.00 to 164.00 (157.96); 600 to 633 lbs., 148.00 to 158.00 (153.12); 670 to 691 lbs., 133.00 to 143.00 (140.89); 19 head, 710 to 748 lbs., 126.00 to 136.00 (131.66); 825 to 849 lbs., 121.00 to 131.00 (129.65). Medium and large frame 2, 407 to 445 lbs., 178.00 to 189.00 (182.73); 450 to 495 lbs., 163.00 to 173.00 (169.44); 500 to 530 lbs., 154.00 to 164.00 (161.21).

Feeder bulls: Medium and large frame 1, 9 head, 255 to 280 lbs., 220.00 to 230.00 (224.22); 15 head, 310 to 340 lbs., 203.00 to 214.00 (211.48); 355 to 395 lbs., 196.00 to 206.00 (200.25); 400 to 440 lbs., 187.00 to 197.00 (192.49); 450 to 483 lbs., 187.00 to 198.00 (190.49); 500 to 545 lbs., 160.00 to 170.00 (166.22); 550 to 595 lbs., 152.00 to 162.00 (157.52); 620 to 644 lbs., 146.00 to 156.00 (151.80); 655 to 690 lbs., 135.00 to 145.00 (139.69); 720 to 749 lbs., 127.50 to 137.00 (130.73). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 455 to 485 lbs., 165.00 to 175.00 (168.69).

Feeder heifers: Medium and large frame 1, 12 head, 215 to 240 lbs., 175.00 to 185.00 (180.29); 301 to 348 lbs., 171.00 to 180.00 (175.32); 350 to 396 lbs., 165.00 to 175.00 (170.53); 406 to 448 lbs., 163.00 to 173.75 (168.71); 452 to 485 lbs., 159.00 to 169.00 (160.68); 500 to 547 lbs., 146.00 to 153.00 (149.99); 550 to 592 lbs., 139.50 to 145.00 (141.89); 600 to 648 lbs., 133.00 to 142.00 (139.61); 654 to 699 lbs., 128.50 to 138.50 (134.64); 700 to 749 lbs., 126.00 to 136.00 (132.80); 757 to 795 lbs., 124.00 to 134.00 (130.75); 18 head, 808 to 848 lbs., 127.00 to 138.00 (130.55); 7 head, 857 to 885 lbs., 124.50 to 128.00 (126.56). Medium and large frame 1 to 2, 19 head, 300 to 340 lbs., 160.00 to 170.00 (167.13); 17 head, 355 to 395 lbs., 154.00 to 164.00 (157.53); 400 to 449 lbs., 151.00 to 162.00 (158.88); 450 to 495 lbs., 148.50 to 158.00 (154.15); 500 to 545 lbs., 135.00 to 145.00 (141.65); 550 to 590 lbs., 129.00 to 139.00 (136.00); 610 to 640 lbs., 122.00 to 132.00 (129.42); 12 head, 655 to 690 lbs., 117.50 to 127.00 (122.71); 712 to 741 lbs., 115.50 to 125.00 (122.77). Medium and large frame 2, 405 to 443 lbs., 140.00 to 150.00 (142.99); 458 to 496 lbs., 137.50 to 147.50 (142.89).