New bill requires science-based animal abuse training for law enforcement

The Missouri Cattlemen’s Association hailed bipartisan passage of HB 1828, sponsored by Rep. Jay Houghton, R-43, which passed through the House on recently by a 96-41 vote.

The legislation requires all animal care training materials for law enforcement to be certified by the state veterinarian. MCA President Greg Buckman said this bill ensures that law enforcement are receiving accurate, science-based training that can assist in identifying animal abuse when handling animals.

“Currently, anyone can conduct animal care training for law enforcement. Animal rights extremists with an agenda are frequently conducting these training sessions,” said Buckman.

Buckman said this bill does not take away the rights of anyone to conduct the training seminars.

“The bill simply makes sure law enforcement are receiving accurate training over activist training,” said Buckman. “Animal abuse and neglect is something this association doesn’t take lightly and it is absolutely critical to have the proactive involvement of the state veterinarian when it comes to accurately handling this issue.”

The legislation now moves to the Missouri Senate for consideration. Nearly identical legislation has also been filed by Sen. Brian Munzlinger, R-18.