Tips to help with holiday stress reduction

Now is the time to get started if you want to be relaxed during this holiday season according to Renette Wardlow, a human development specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

“It is never too late to set some priorities. Get the family together and distribute the workload for the holidays,” said Wardlow.

To deal with shopping stress, Wardlow suggests making lists of what you would like to do and buy. Then, keep this list handy so you can take advantage of sales and unexpected shopping opportunities.

“Set a realistic budget by considering how much money you have to spend for everything,” said Wardlow.

Here are some additional tips to consider if you want a hassle free holiday:

Attend special plays and music programs during the holidays.

Assist a charitable organization in your community with their holiday projects.

Rent a classic holiday video, like “Miracle on 34th Street” or “White Christmas.”

Visit with neighbors or old friends in the neighborhood where you grew up.

Donate part of your gift budget to a favorite charity.

For low-cost fun, organize friends for an old-fashioned evening of neighborhood caroling. Then come back for hot chocolate and carols around the piano.

Keep parties small. Go potluck, or try the nontraditional such as a soup supper.

Shop by mail or online, but be sure to order as early. Keep track of what has been ordered. Save receipts and canceled checks.

Set deadlines for yourself to avoid putting everything off until the last minute.

Help family members with their shopping. Make a list of gifts you would like to receive.