Water Technology Farms Report available

Technology and management tools keep evolving to help crop producers make every drop of water count on their fields. Water Technology Farms were developed five years ago as part of the Long-Term Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas. They began as three-year pilot public-private partnerships to demonstrate the latest in crop irrigation technology and water conservation research on the field scale.

Water Technology Farms have proven valuable in helping to expand the conversation and education of producers as well as decision makers on equipment and technology utilized in agricultural water conservation efforts.

The 2019 Growing Season Report shares information about each of the Water Technology Farms operational in 2019 including the crop or crops grown, technology utilized to manage water application, as well as harvest data and sponsors of each location. To hear from more producers and to see the complete 2019 Growing Season Report, visit www.kwo.ks.gov.

Water Technology Farms would not be possible without the support of key public-private partnerships. More than 100 companies and organizations support this effort and sponsors for each farm are on the Water Technology Farm pages on the KWO website. There is a total of 17 participating Water Technology Farms for the 2020 growing season.

For more information visit www.kwo.ks.gov or contact the Kansas Water Office at 785-296-3185.