Helpful household hints

Garbage can holder

A neighbor shared this hint years ago and it’s a good one. He was tired of the wind whipping around the corner and blowing over his trash cans, especially when they were full, so he set some posts so the handle of the garbage can slips over the top of the post just enough to hold it so it won’t blow over in the wind or even if somebody bumps it. He said that the folks collecting the trash just have to slip the handle over the post and then carry the can to the truck to empty it.

Burn relief

A neighbor shared this with me years and years ago and it works. If you get splashed with hot grease or oil accidently, just dip a paper towel in some vanilla from the cupboard and hold it on the burn the pain doesn’t last very long because of the vanilla and I’ve never gotten a scar from a splash burn since.

Medicine bottle helper

A reader wrote that her son got up on a chair, took his medicine bottle and tore the label off so she couldn’t give it to him because the directions were gone. Smart mom called the pharmacy, got a new set of directions and then completely covered the bottle and the label with several coats of clear nail polish so he can’t take it off again.

Pinfeather picking time

An easy way to remove pinfeathers from turkeys or chickens is to use a pair of tweezers instead of a knife which always seems to cut a hole in the skin somewhere along the way.

Preschool drawing paper

When your 3-year-old wants to color many times a day buy a roll of shelf paper. It has a coating on the back so the crayon color or even watercolor paint won’t soak through. The lady that sent this hint says that she just tapes the paper to a wall in the hallway and her child can either sit or stand and draw away.

If you have hints or ideas to share, send them to PennyWise, Box 518, Kadoka, SD 57543; or email them to [email protected]. If you send me your name and address, I’ll send you a free copy of the PennyWise Newsletter. Please mention High Plains Journal when you write.