
Read Matthew 18:1-5

Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.—Matthew 18:4 (KJV)

While attending a book fair at my oldest grandson’s elementary school, I witnessed an act of kindness that warmed my heart. Andrew, my grandson, had earned money to spend at the book fair by helping his mother at home. He chose a couple of books and made his purchase. He had money left over, but one of his friends didn’t have any money.

His young companion had picked up a couple of books and was about to put them back. Andrew made eye contact with me and I could tell he was seeking my approval. He wanted to purchase the books for his friend. I told Andrew he had earned the money so it was his to spend, but yes, it would be nice to share. And he did.

When I witness acts of kindness, especially from children, it renews my faith in the Lord and assures me that God is at work in the world. Praise be to God for acts of kindness that reveal God’s presence.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the children in our lives who teach us about your unselfish, genuine love. Help us to become more like them. Amen.

Thought for the day: How do those around me teach me about Jesus?

Larry Dowell, North Carolina