Angus breeders engage in premiere education at Beef Leaders Institute

Twenty-six American Angus Association® members from across the country attended the 2022 Beef Leaders Institute June 13 to 17. The annual event is hosted by the American Angus Association and funded by the Angus Foundation and Certified Angus Beef® brand. BLI provides Association members the opportunity to experience the beef value chain from pasture to plate.
“We look forward to this event each year,” said Kara Lee, director of producer engagement for CAB®. “BLI provides a unique opportunity to explore all facets of the beef industry, while also learning from and forging connections with fellow attendees.”
Participants began the week at the American Angus Association in St. Joseph, Missouri. While at the breed’s headquarters, attendees met with staff to learn about the many departments and programs housed within the Association. Several Association employees offered insights, including Mark McCully, American Angus Association chief executive officer, Kelli Retallick-Riley, Angus Genetics Inc. president, and Brett Spader, Angus Media president.
Following their time in St. Joseph, attendees visited Tiffany Cattle Company in Herrington, Kansas. Here, Shane Tiffany, Tiffany Cattle Company co-owner, explained the intricacies of cattle feeding and marketing. Attendees learned how their decisions, specifically as seedstock producers, can influence cattle’s performance in the feedyard.
For the second portion of the trip, the group traveled to Ohio to continue studying the beef value chain. Participants explored the impact of genetics in the beef industry at Select Sires, and the role value-added products play in marketing CAB® at Hudson Meat Company. The final days of the experience were spent at the CAB brand headquarters in Wooster, Ohio.
In Wooster, attendees were welcomed to The Culinary Center by John Stika, CAB president. From a virtual packing plant tour to a hands-on beef fabrication demonstration in the meat lab, participants followed the entire process of putting a CAB® steak on the dinner table. During a week fully immersing themselves in the industry, the BLI class realized how the cattle they raise influence the industry well beyond their pasture.
“Educational opportunities like Beef Leaders Institute are incredibly valuable for our members,” said Jaclyn Upperman, Angus Foundation executive director. “We are proud to support programs that build strong leaders for the Angus breed.”
Providing continued education for the Angus membership is a priority for the Association. BLI is designed to provide members ages 25 to 45 with the resources to understand all segments of the beef industry. Attendees leave equipped as stronger, more effective leaders for the Angus breed and beef industry.
For more information on BLI and applying to be part of the Class of 2023, visit Look for the 2023 application to be available in early November.