HPJ writers reminisce, reflect on favorite stories

Jonathan Evans poses in front of the cotton picker. (Journal photo by Lacey Vilhauer.)

Recently, High Plains Journal writers were urged to think outside the box and select a story with special meaning and to share their perspective with readers.

All five writers were up to the task and they did an outstanding job. In the above photo taken by Lacey Vilhauer, Jonathan Evans poses in front of the cotton picker.

This week we have unveiled the stories for our online edition www.hpj.com.

The parameters were general. The stories could be something they were able to see for the first time, taking action for the future, changes that were profound, tackling a subject that was unfamiliar territory or coming across someone who had made a difference.

In reading each of their stories it reminded me of times during 2023 I had a relatable experience to all the topics. As readers go through the stories, I hope they will take a look at the familiar and the path less traveled and become more optimistic as they look to 2024.

The five stories were featured in our Dec. 15 print edition.

Dave Bergmeier wrote about cover crops and lessons he learned by listening. His story is available at https://bit.ly/49TTdAd.

David Murray wrote about an Iowa steam engine show that tells how the High Plains was tamed. His story is available at https://hpj.com/?s=Old+thresher+steam+event+draws+huge+crowds+to+Iowa+town.

Kylene Scott wrote about the importance of wheat at a time when drought put the crop at peril. Her full story is available at https://hpj.com/2023/05/19/wheat-crop-had-stacked-against-it-from-the-beginning/.

Lacey Vilhauer wrote about a cotton farmer whose loss of eyesight has not hindered him and brought his family together. Her full story is available at https://hpj.com/2023/03/10/cotton-grower-loses-eyesight-but-not-his-vision-for-farming/.

Jennifer Theurer wrote about the importance of why farmers and ranchers need to consider transition planning with foresight and not wait for the unexpected to occur. Her full story is available at hpj.com/2023/11/17/planning-for-the-unexpected/.

We hope you enjoy the stories and find them as meaningful as we did.

Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or [email protected].