Minnesota offers virtual lambing course

Mother ewe's and their newborn lambs. (Photo: Adobe Stock │ #499430441 - Collins Photography)

The 2025 Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program’s Virtual Lambing Time Short Course is scheduled on Feb. 12 to 13. The planned program will help producers enhance management skills during lambing, improve facility and labor efficiency and foster business relationships.

This year’s virtual format combines lectures and group discussions to cover timely and important topics such as ewe and lamb health concerns, low labor management practices and keys for successful lambing. It will include virtual tours of two outstanding sheep operations, highlighting their labor-saving management practices, including barn layout and flow, raising lambs on milk replacer and feeding systems. Program leaders include expert instructors with diverse and practical sheep experience, a highly qualified veterinarian who enjoys sharing his sheep health knowledge and the owners of the virtually toured farms.

The program will be held via Zoom, beginning at 7 p.m. The cost of the program is $110 per operation. Register by contacting Sue Lovell at [email protected] or 507-847-7929.