kansas state university

Kansas State University agriculture economist Elizabeth Yeager says double-cropped soybeans increase profits, and cropping systems agronomist Kraig Roozeboom says they positively influence soil characteristics, though not to the same degree as some cover crops. (Kansas State University Research and Extension)

Intensify sorghum systems with double-cropped soybeans

  • By Jacob Klaudt │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Manual planting of potatoes in the ground. Early spring preparation for the garden season. (iStock │ #1459660565 - OLEKSANDR KOZACHOK)

Time to plant potatoes in Kansas

Growing rhubarb in home garden. (iStock │ #696048186 - Kati Finell)

March signals time to plant rhubarb

  • By Pat Melgares │ K-State Research and Extension news service
South Dakota State University
Basque sheepherd dog smelling some grapes. (iStock │ #508296163 - Irantzu_Arbaizagoitia)

Invasive species experts train dogs to detect plant pests

  • By Pat Melgares │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Credit is Nemanja Otic, Adobe Stock
Coyote. (Adobe Stock │ #340763004 - Redhaven Photography)

Predator problems? A control guide for livestock producers

  • By Jacob Klaudt │ K-State Research and Extension news service
Soil thermometer in soil of farm field. (iStock │ #2148452446 - JJ Gouin)

Soil temperature is important for germination in the garden