HPJ launches 2025 calendar contest

The best photos tell a story and compel us to see the beauty in everyday life. High Plains Journal’s 2025 Down Country Roads calendar contest is now open.

Start submitting your digital photographs that reflect the beauty of rural America—crops, country landscapes, livestock, farm families and more.

For the contest, we will be looking for high-resolution digital photos with a landscape (horizontal) orientation, not a portrait (vertical) or square orientation. We’d love to see scenes that capture the beauty of rural life through all seasons.

HPJ will have a July 18 deadline.

More details about the contest, how to submit your digital photos, and last year’s winners can be found at hpj.com/calendar_contest.

Calendars are available for pre-order now through July 18, for $12. The price includes shipping. The pre-order form will be on the same page, Down Country Roads Calendar – High Plains Journal (hpj.com)

Dave Bergmeier can be reached at 620-227-1822 or [email protected].