Winter wheat harvest nearly complete

Most areas of the state benefited from monsoonal moisture for the week ending July 22, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Mountain Regional Field Office, Colorado. Hot temperatures continued to accelerate crop development and maturity of small grains; winter wheat harvested was still ahead of average by week’s end. Northeastern counties received enough moisture to slow winter wheat harvest slightly in areas, but return of hot and dry weather allowed producers to make rapid progress overall. A reporter in Morgan County noted winter wheat yield losses were observed due to insect damage from wheat stem sawfly. Irrigated crops were noted to be thriving, although concerns were raised whether enough irrigation water would be available to see crops through to maturity. East central counties also received beneficial moisture last week, although precipitation was spotty depending upon locality. Several areas remained extremely dry, boosting concerns for late summer range and crop conditions. In southwestern counties, monsoonal moisture brought relief to drought-stricken areas, but was not enough to make a significant dent yet in overall poor conditions. The San Luis Valley received minimal moisture last week, but crops were doing well overall and advancing quickly due to heat. A reporter noted second cutting of alfalfa just started last week. In southeastern counties, beneficial rain was received, although measured amounts were very spotty. Statewide, winter wheat harvested was at 90 percent complete, compared to 80 percent on average.